Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reteaching China's Scholar-Official Class (4/7/11)

Objective: We will learn about China's scholar-official class in both the Tang and Song dynasties.

Task 1: Review the presentation on West Africa and complete the Do Now.

Task 2: Watch the video of Mr. Herrera describing the scholar-official class in China. Then view the presentation for yourself.

Task 3: After watching the video, answer these reflection questions in complete sentences. Remember to have high expectations for your own writing.

Task 4: On page 259 of your interactive notebook, draw a large circle map with the words "China's scholar-official class" in the inner circle. Then in the outer circle, use phrases to describe the scholar-official class. For example, "During the Tang Dynasty, only wealthy people had the time and money to pass the civil service exams and become scholar-officials." Get Mr. Herrera's signature.

Task 5: On page 260 of your interactive notebook, draw a flow map with 4 boxes. You must have an image and caption in each box. Imagine you are a scholar-official in China during the Tang Dynasty and you create the difficult civil service exam to get a diverse set of people into government. However, you fail because you don't realize that only the wealthy have the time and money to take and pass this exam to become scholar-officials. Draw your story in the flow map. Get Mr. Herrera's signature.

Task 6: On page 261 of your notebook, draw a tree map and the word "Scholar-Officials" with 2 sub-categories: (1) "How long did scholar-officials rule in China" and (2) "What did the scholar-officials represent." Then under those categories, answer the questions. Get Mr. Herrera's signature.

Task 7: You are now ready for today's culminating task. Use 2 sheets of construction paper to create a poster or flip book that you will present in front of a small group. The poster should have: (1) At least 3 descriptions of the scholar-official class (from your circle map), (2) One drawing of a person taking the scholar-official exam, (3) A description of how hard the test may have been and what people had to do in order to prepare for it, (4) A drawing of how long scholar-officials were in power in China, and (5) A description of what scholar-officials represented. Get Mr. Herrera's signature.

Early Finishers: You have two options if you finish early.
-Option 1: Practice your typing skills by playing a game here.
-Option 2: For extra credit, research our upcoming unit, The Renaissance, and create a preview poster or presentation to share with the class.