Friday, April 8, 2011

Culminating Task, Presentation, and Mini Skills Assessment (4/8/11)

Objective: We will create a culminating task to show our understanding of the fall of the Aztec and Inca in Mesoamerica, the geography of West Africa, and the scholar-official class in China.

Task 0: Watch the video of Mr. Herrera's explaining today's activities. Take the quiz to determine which option you will choose.

Task 1: Choose one of the following culminating task options and complete it in 30 minutes. Then get Mr. Herrera's signature.

-Option 1: Create a travel journal about the fall of the Aztec and Inca Empires that has: (1) Two TREE paragraphs summarizing how the Aztec Empire fell, (2) A drawing showing how both Aztec and Incas conquered their neighbors to expand, (3) A drawing of how Cortes and the Spanish laid siege on the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan.

-Option 2: Create a brochure about West Africa that has: (1) a drawing of the Niger River and description of why it was useful to humans, (2) A drawing of how the kingdom of Ghana was created in West Africa, and (3) two TREE paragraphs about [a] how Ghana's location made it powerful and [b] how Ghana eventually lost power.

-Option 3: Create a poster or flipbook about the scholar-official class in ChinaThe poster should have: (1) At least 3 descriptions of the scholar-official class (from your circle map), (2) One drawing of a person taking the scholar-official exam, (3) Two tree paragraphs describing [a] how hard the test may have been and [b] what people had to do in order to prepare for it, (4) A drawing of how long scholar-officials were in power in China, and (5) A description of what scholar-officials represented.

Task 2: Prepare to present your culminating task to the class by presenting to a partner. You will have 5 minutes to take turns practicing. During the presentations, fill out the appropriate Audience Notes. 
-Audience Notes for Aztec/Inca Culminating Task
-Audience Notes for West Africa Culminating Task
-Audience Notes for China Culminating Task

Task 3: You are now ready to take the Mini Skills Assessment. Track Mr. Herrera for further directions.

Early Finishers: You have two options if you finish early.
-Option 1: Practice your typing skills by playing a game here.
-Option 2: For extra credit, research our upcoming unit, The Renaissance, and create a preview poster or presentation to share with the class.