Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Growth of Humanism (4/12/11)

Objective: We will define humanism and understand the development of this philosophy during the Renaissance.

Task 1: Review the Introduction to the Renaissance. Then complete the Do Now.

Task 2: Track Mr. Herrera as he goes through the presentation entitled The Growth of the Humanism. Fill out the graphic organizer as your teacher presents.

Task 3: Read about the growth of humanism (Part 1 and Part II) and complete the reflection.

Task 4: Track Mr. Herrera as he guides you on creating a multi-flow map on page 264 of your notebook that explains the beginning of the Renaissance and the growth of humanism. Each box should have a picture and caption. Write neatly and clearly. Color your images. Then get Mr. Herrera's signature.

Homework: Read about advances in sculpture made during the renaissance and complete the graphic organizer.

Early Finishers: You have two options if you finish early.
-Option 1: For extra credit, research one important person during the Renaissance and create a poster that tells about their achievements. (You will find the names of leading Renaissance figures on the right of the page).
-Option 2: Practice your typing skills by playing a game here.