Friday, June 3, 2011

Spain's Early Explorations (6/3/11)

Standard 7.11.1: Know the great voyages of discovery, the locations of the routes, and the influence of cartography in the development of a new European worldview.

Objectives: We will understand the great voyages of discovery made by the Spanish. We will know the location of the routes taken by Spanish explorers.

Friendly Reminder: Remember to show excellence by doing the following things:

A) While in class, always work hard and be nice.

B) Please read all tasks fully before asking a teammate or your teacher if you don't understand something.

Task 1: Review your knowledge of the the great voyages and locations of routes taken by Portuguese explorers by completing the Do Now

Task 2: Track Mr. Herrera as he presents Spain's Early Explorations. Take Cornell notes on the next available page in your interactive notebook.

Task 3: Watch as Mr. Herrera shows you how to create a Popplet to show your understanding of great Spanish voyages and the locations of the routes they took. Take a look at Mr. Herrera's example.

Task 4: Finish your Spanish exploration Popplet. Your Popplet should show excellence in that it is organized, neat, and professional.

Early Finishers:
  1. Use your 8-square flow map (yesterday's) to create a comic about the evolution of scientific thought by using StripGenerator (you will need to create an account and play around with the tools here). Your comic should have 8 boxes or frames that explain the concepts in your flow map.
  2. Use your flow map to create a timeline about the evolution of scientific thought by using Capzles (you will need to create an account and play around with the tools here). Your Capzle should have 8 images with descriptions.
  3. Check out the class website for more early finisher's options.