Thursday, June 9, 2011

GoAnimate Capitalism! (6/9/11)

Standard 7.11.3: Examine the origins of modern capitalism; the influence of mercantilism and the cottage industry; the elements and importance of a market economy in seventeenth-century Europe; the changing international trading and marketing patterns; including their locations on a world map; and the influence of explorers and map makers.

Objectives: We will examine the origins of modern capitalism. We will identify elements of a market economy. We will identify the cottage industry and mercantilism. 

Friendly Reminder: Remember to show excellence by doing the following things:

A) While in class, always work hard and be nice.

B) Please read all tasks fully before asking a teammate or your teacher if you don't understand something.

Task 0: Submit your homework here by finding the link to your mindmap and pasting it into the form. Submit your morning work here by typing in your answers.

Task 1: Complete the Do Now to show your understanding of how exploration helped capitalism grow.

Task 2: Track Mr. Herrera as he shows you this GoAnimate video.

Task 3: Watch as Mr. Herrera shows you how to create an animated video using GoAnimate to show your understanding of the impact of exploration on European economies. You will use the presentation The Impact of European Exploration to help you. Your video should meet the following requirements:

  • Have an introduction
  • Have at least one scene for capitalism, market economy, cottage industry, and mercantilism
  • Have a closing or ending
  • Be appropriate and professional

Task 4: Finish your animated video of the impact of European exploration. Your animated video should show excellence in that it is organized, neat, and professional.

  1. Finish your animated video. All information must be in your own words. You will share the link with Mr. Herrera tomorrow.

Early Finishers:
  1. Check out the class website for early finisher's options.