Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Roots of the Scientific Revolution (5/24/11)

Standard 7.10.1: Discuss the roots of the Scientific Revolution (e.g. Greek rationalism; Jewish, Muslim, and Christian science; Renaissance humanism; new knowledge from global exploration).

Objectives: We will discuss the roots of the Scientific Revolution. We will create a layered book foldable to show our knowledge.

Task 1: Complete the Do Now. If you need help, use the presentation The Counter-Reformation.

Task 2: Watch as Mr. Herrera introduces the lesson.

Task 3: On page 290 of your interactive notebook, take Cornell notes of The Scientific Revolution as Mr. Herrera presents.

Task 4: Use the Roots of the Scientific Revolution Pre-Write to prepare for the creation of your layered book foldable. Watch as Mr. Herrera explains.

Task 5: Create your Roots of the Scientific Revolution layered book foldable. Your book must meet or exceed the rubric.


  1. Read 34.3 Copernicus and Kepler
  2. Answer questions from the workbook